Title: A Newborn's Cry
Genre: Angst, Tragedy (Post-drama)
Characters: Yong Ha, Sun Joon, Yoon Hee, Jae Shin, servants
Genre: Angst, Tragedy (Post-drama)
Characters: Yong Ha, Sun Joon, Yoon Hee, Jae Shin, servants
Words: TBA
Summary: There had been a death.
Summary: There had been a death.
[Note the genre!]
He stood in the snow, the wind harsh on his cheeks. A rare sadness crossed the usually jovial man’s face.
There had been a death.
The body had once possessed one of the most determined, fascinating soul he had ever known. One that might have left it far earlier if he had been able to pull his game to the end, in those merry days at Sungkyunkwan.
A servant stood nearby, a wailing child in her arms. Only a few days old, it cried as if it already sensed its mother’s death.
Yong-ha struggled not to join its sobs.
“Lee Sun Joon. I’m sorry.”
The man seemed to have grown twenty years older. A great drop dripped from his nose, blotching his white robes. Lee Sun Joon stared at the ground, his eyes half-dead, and the usual spark gone.
“Don’t. I’m…I’ll be fine.”
He didn’t know what to say to that. A firm pat on the shoulder, and Yong-ha stayed silent.
Geol-oh was nowhere to be found. Probably drowning in liquor, a state unbecoming for such a high military official. So it was to Yong-ha’s surprise as he saw the Crazy Horse kneeling by the body.
He was murmuring something to it, attempting to hide the rolls of tears trickling past his nose. A final sob opened his mouth and Moon Jae-shin desperately tried to cover his howl.
Lee Sun-joon broke. Yong-ha grabbed at his collar, as he tried to raise his friend up from the dirt while the legendary professor tore at his robes.
He didn’t realize till then that he was crying, sobbing along with them.
Why did it hurt so much?
No woman had made him feel this way. No, no human had ever made him feel this way, save for Geol-oh. And even that Crazy Horse didn’t take it this far. Grief…was this what it was?
Lee Sun-joon stumbled from Yong-ha’s side and knelt down next to his wife. He cradled her head, as if she would wake up again. The newborn shrieked along with him.
A servant later remarked, while sweeping, to a fellow maid:
“You would have thought the world was ending, the way the lords cried over our mistress. Tsk, poor Madam. She was so happy to be pregnant. Now all our master has left is a daughter to remind him of a dead wife. Although, it’s strange. What did Lord Jae-shin and Master Yong-ha have to do with Madam, to be so sorrowful over her death? They met only once or twice, didn’t they? Strange world we have…”
Nano, this is really tragic. Personally, I would love to see a follow-up to this, if only as closure for our poor J4-1, but it's up to you, of course! =)
ReplyDeleteawwww you killed her. =(
ReplyDeletewell, we can't have all the happy endings, can't we?
thanks for sharing.
keep it up! ^_^
Oof, wow, that was intense. You make me want to know more about the circumstances surrounding this tragedy. What happened to poor Yoon Hee? How many years after the ending of Sungkyunkwan is this? Ahh, so many questions :) I hope you will continue this intriguing tale, woeful though it may be.
ReplyDeletei'm drowning in my own tears over hear as i a) read that Daemul died and b)read the remaining J3 who are broken and in pain after losing their friend. ah, how tragic. great writing though, really made me feel depressed. haha.
ReplyDeleteNano, you cruel, cruel girl, how can you make me cry over this short scene, so poignantly portraying the grief of a husband, an unrequited lover and a friend? SJ still trying to be stoic, but in the end breaking down and tearing at his clothes. JS howling. And YHa, the eternal prankster, finally in tears. And finally the baby girl, only days old, but now screaming for her mother's love.
ReplyDeleteOh my god, my heart is breaking so bad. :'( I don't know what to say....I hate this situation so much! Yoon Hee... ;___; </3
ReplyDeleteThis was an amazing fic though--thanks for sharing such a lovely fic!