Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episode #1)
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Genre: General, Romance
Words: 500
Summary: And you have not stolen my breath yet…
Summary: …But I can feel stardust catch in my throat.
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episodes #3-4)
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Words: 976
Summary: The words in my mind are not displaced yet…
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episode #5)
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Words: 1000
Summary: …But you are starting to scramble them into poetry.
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episode #6)
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Words: 878
Summary: Your smiles have not blinded me yet…
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episode #7)
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Words: 1250
Summary: …But as the shadows of your fears draw near,
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episode #2)
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Genre: General, Romance
Words: 777Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Genre: General, Romance
Summary: …But I can feel stardust catch in my throat.
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episodes #3-4)
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Words: 976
Summary: The words in my mind are not displaced yet…
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episode #5)
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Words: 1000
Summary: …But you are starting to scramble them into poetry.
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episode #6)
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Words: 878
Summary: Your smiles have not blinded me yet…
Title: To Meet the Height of Birds (Episode #7)
Genre: General, Romance
Characters: Jae Shin, Yoon Hee
Words: 1250
Summary: …But as the shadows of your fears draw near,