Lady Krb

Title: At the Crossroads
Genre: General  
Characters: Gu Yong Ha, Head Merchant Gu, Original Female Character
Words: 2571
Summary: 'Everyone reaches a crossroad sooner or later… even THE Gu Yong Ha.'
-Part One of the Yong Ha+Min Jin Trilogy

Title: Surprises All Around
General, Humor
Gu Yong Ha, the servants
Summary: Life is always MORE interesting with surprises, as Yong Ha is about to affirm.
-Part Two of the Yong Ha+Min Jin Trilogy

Title: The Crash Course
Genre: Angst, Romance
Characters: Gu Yong Ha, OFC (Original female character)
Words: 3502
Summary: Both parties in the relationship go through a crash course on each other… all in a day.
-Final part of the Yong Ha+Min Jin Trilogy

Title: Crushed Emotions
Genre: General, Humor
Characters: Ha Hyo Eun, Kim Yoon Hee
Words: 393
Summary: The love letters to Lee Sun Joon, written by Ha Hyo Eun and Kim Yoon Hee.

Title: Morning Blues
Lee Sun Joon, Kim Yoon Hee
Summary: 'Their first morning married-- so full of promise.'

Title: Reality Check - The Epilogue
Genre: General
Characters: Kim Yoon Hee, Lee Sun Joon, Moon Jae Shin, Gu Yong Ha
Words: 1836
Summary: The epilogue of Sungkyunkwan Scandal, retold as a day in the married life of Kim Yoon Hee.